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 Judgerr Verificaterr Judgerr Verificaterr

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# The World Records Khoomei Chanllenge Competition Live

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The World Records Khoomei Chanllenge Competition Live

By Judgerr Verificaterr       Dec 20, 2015

The World Records Khoomei Chanllenge Competition Live

The host: "good morning everyone and the audience in front of the TV, this is The World Records Khoomei Challenge Competition Live, this is the biggest open stage for everyone to challenge the world record, the rule is simple: you are the world champion if you have the longest continuous throats singing duration only by your one breath, the final winner will get a special sweet chocolate on the wall accompanied with a big check that is eight Million Swiss francs! The latest world record is sixty-one seconds, who will win the final prize now?"


The man: "I am coming."

A very little ugly hairless bow-backed old Chinese man in shabby clothes begins walking to the arena.


The host: "hi man, do you want to beg for food here?"


The man: "of course, the food on the wall!"


The host: "do you know how much that is?"


The man: "you owed me eight million Swiss francs."


The host: "are you serious? Can you show me a throat singing?"


The man: "no wonder!"

The man takes out a pokey wig and a big beat-up Lady's no sleeve shirt on the desk for a candidate from his dilapidated bag, He takes off his worn-out jacket to the floor of the proscenium, He slowly puts on the wig and the shirt, He tardily walks to the microphone for the contest, He takes a big deep breath straight from his shoulders, He is keeping on an overtone singing now, His numbers of the automatic electronic timer are outnumbering the figures of the latest world records.


The host: "it did not like a Khoomei!"


The man: "what is the definition of an overtone singing?"


The host: "I never saw that like yours!"


The man: "so, different looks people those you did not see before are not human beings?"


The host: "why did you wear a hairpiece and a vest?"


The man: " they were prepared to do with you in advance because you seemed to judge a book only by its cover!


The host: "oh, no! I cannot see any judge to recognize you!"


The man: "that is why a beggar has no money for food?"


The host: "absolutely not! This is the completely fair contest without any discrimination, let's see what the judges will say?"


Judge gentleman: "your overtone singing is really special, I have not seen it before, did you learn it from someone?"


The man: "I learned it from myself?!"


Judge gentleman: "but, how can you do that?"


The man: "my mom told me that 'you did it well when you were a baby.'"


Judge gentleman: "wow, you are real talent! We never judge a book by its cover! You are a new world record holder now,



Judge lady: "it is amazing, can you do it better? You just passed a little. Someone else might exceed you later."


The man: "sure, I did not make the biggest my efforts just now, I was just worried about if you would recognize my throats singing."


Judge lady: "definitely, it was pure original professional throats singing without any language, you also created a new Khoomei style for us, thank you, gentleman!"


The man: "I am so thrilled and flattered that I cannot help doing it again!"


Judges panel: "cheers, guys!"

Everyone in the hall is on their feet applauding wildly...


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Article Tags: Khoomei, overtones, throats singing, world record, competition, fiction, literature value
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 Judgerr VerificaterrAbout Judgerr Verificaterr
 Judgerr Verificaterr  Judgerr Verificaterr Judgerr Verificaterr Judgerr Verificaterr Judgerr Verificaterr

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