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Olabisi ObayomiOlabisi Obayomi
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Godly Parenting: How To Raise Godly Children

By Olabisi Obayomi       Mar 30, 2016

Godly Parenting: How To Raise Godly Children

This article is an excerpt from a message my pastor preached and I find it worth sharing. Happy reading. Ungodly parent cannot raise Godly children. It means to raise Godly children, parents must first and foremost be Godly themselves to raise Godly children as you cannot give what you don't have. Provision is not love. Love is more than provision. To assume this that love is just provision is as incorrect as error. Love is attention, personalized care and not just limited to provision. Love is availability- being around with the one you love. Godly parenting is the only lasting legacy you can give your children. Because this is the only thing that would stick with them long after you have gone as a parent.

Parenting is the leading, training, nurturing and managing unto maturity and fulfillment of purpose. Parenting is not just giving birth to children- this is the beginning. Parenting is leading and guiding those children until they become mature. To parent means to lead your child unto spiritual maturity. So, you are in front of them and the only visible person they can see. The best way to train a child is to be the picture of what you want your child to be. Be a good example from the beginning, because children grow up to become what they see in their parents. Children responds to examples first before instructions. When you bother them with too much instructions without examples, they won't grasp anything.


- the first principle is in the book of psalms 127:3 From this scripture, it means all parents are stewards of their child. The child belong to God and you were employed by Him to take care of them. It them means all parents are employees of God. So, your children are not yours. So, the first principle is Stewardship - and every stewards must account to God on their behalf for them. So because you don't own them, you cannot train them for selfish reasons. You don't make your children what you want them to be, you simply discover God's plans for them and model them based on that. You cannot train them or raise them in your own ways or by general principles that is obtained in the society. So, you must use the owners manner. Every parent must prepare for what it takes to raise children.

- the principle of exemplary life is principle number two. Be the example you want your children to be. Whatever you have learn, you practice it. You simply live your life based on the biblical values you have seen and as you do this, you are preparing yourself to be a very good father or mother. - the principle of surrender- it means you cannot raise your children in your strength, wisdom and understanding. Isaiah 54:13 says children shall be taught by the Lord through you. You do this through prayer.

-the principle of specificity and adaptability. Proverbs 22:6 says every child has a particular way to be trained. Don't train all your children generally. The training of a child is child-specific. -the principle of right correction is principle number

- There is different between correction and rebuke. Rebuke a child is unjust. Correction is telling a child and guiding them what to do. For a child who doesn't know his left from his right, you don't rebuke such. You only rebuke a child when you know they know their right from their left. In correcting children, we must use the word. Never use anger to correct your children. I hope this short piece has blessed you. Feel free to share.


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Article Tags: Parenting, Godly Parenting, Family, Home, Father, Mother, Children, raising Godly children
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Olabisi Obayomi Olabisi ObayomiOlabisi ObayomiOlabisi ObayomiOlabisi Obayomi

I am an easy going, fun loving daughter of the most High God.

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SHARMA     7 years ago

Olabisi Ajayi     8 years ago
Thank you Sir.

Gboyega Adedeji     8 years ago
Am so glad to read your first article on Witicles. We can only trust God for more! Great work!

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