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George Hays is experienced freelance writer, college ranking expert and blogger. While being a lecturer in several high school institutions. Her areas of interests are very wide, but mostly she wri
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# Why Should you Pursue any Goal in your Academic Life

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Why Should you Pursue any Goal in your Academic Life

By george hays       Dec 06, 2017

Why Should you Pursue any Goal in your Academic Life

Education is an important and systematic process through which human beings acquire knowledge, skill, and good attitude. It helps to make an individual refined, civilized, educated and cultured. Education is the only means for socialized and civilized society. Everyone should give its own importance to education.

We should have an aim in our life; otherwise we cannot achieve anything we like. When I went to school my teacher asked me that “what do you want to become, what is your aim of life, why do you want to complete your education? I couldn’t answer those questions. I didn’t know the importance of education; I didn’t have any ambition in my life. As others I also went to school, that’s all. By seeing my silence my teacher laughed at me. I couldn’t forget that incident and those questions yet.

I thought well, why I pursue any goal in my academic life. At last I got answer, without any aim, it will be very hard to achieve anything. After completing matriculation we have to think about our career and future. If you want to become an engineer, then you can choose a correct course and you can prepare well for that, otherwise education will be boring. If so you cannot concentrate on your study, it will lead you to choose write my essays for completing your academic tasks. Many students were becoming the victims of scam write my essays. When you set an aim, think about smart goals. It stands for:

  • S –Significant).
  • M –Meaningful).
  • A –Action-Oriented).
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time-bound

My some friends were told that they would like to become a good human being. But this is so fuzzy and practically useless. Instead of thinking about any general goals, stay specific. If you don’t have a goal, you will definitely feel at the end of your life for not living true to their own ideal, focusing rather on others' outlook. Lives are yours and live a life true to yourself by setting goals that you really care for, don’t change your goal regularly.

An important thing is, set a deadline for you for meeting the goal. If you set yourself a deadline, your exigency increases. Without a deadline, you're just maddeningly unaware of where the finish line is. Dream about your goal; try hard for achieving your dream. Nothing is impossible; choose the subject which interests you, and then only you can study well without depending on any write my essays. If you have lack of time you can choose write my essays for your academic help. Motivate yourself, to reach the success level. Love what you do, and do what you love. Make sure to fix to your plan until the end! Keep away from distractions and stay focused on your goal. Imagine the moment you've achieved your goal!


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