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Obinna "Kruseaphix" OnuohaObinna "Kruseaphix" Onuoha
Obinna “Kruseaphix” Onuoha is a Nigerian Writer and Lyricist who expresses his faith and beliefs via article writing, rap and spoken word poetry. His fondne
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# New Beginnings...An Upgrade

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New Beginnings...An Upgrade

By Obinna "Kruseaphix" Onuoha       Jul 09, 2016

New Beginnings...An Upgrade

Few things can be as scary as being faced with a new beginning. The idea of having to shut down and restart can send crippling shockwaves through the spine of anyone who finds himself in such situation. From the fear of losing what you've spent years and countless number of resources building, to the thought of having to spend the same or more all over again, starting afresh can be the most dreadful thing ever, which is why most people would rather stick with the old and familiar than proceed with the new and unpredictable.

While the fears are understandable and even justifiable, one thing holds true; 'To get to the new, you must let go of the old' because new wines aren't compatible with old wine skins. It's like installing an update on a computer..After spending time downloading, the system must shut down and restart before the new update(s) can be effected. At this point it might appear that the system is shutting down and going blank but after it reboots over a period of time, it unleashes the new features that comes with the upgrade thus making the whole process worth the while.

Just like developers are always seeking to improve on existing models, God is always working to see you become better in everyway and from time to time, after a 'certain update' of you is ready, He'll need to shut you down and reboot so that the new modifications can be effected. It will take a while depending on magnitude of the update but once the process is done, you'll be more than glad it happened. Permit me to point out that similar to a pc, the more you postpone the restart, the more your upgrade is delayed; suffice to say that your upgrade though downloaded may never be installed if you don't allow it. It is sad to note that most people go through life with tons of pending upgrades simply because they just wouldn't allow the rebooting process take its cause.

A seed has got to die to be reborn. Abram had to leave his family to be Abraham. Joseph had to be sold and put in prison to be prime minister in Egypt. Jesus had to die to gain the name that is above every other name and have everything subjected under him. The list is endless. We know the drill, we've made clichés of it, "no pain, no gain" amongst many. It is important to note again that with the exception of Jesus, the rest had no idea of what the process would be nor what it would yield. It came to them like it does to us; unexpected and sudden. But they were courageous to trust in God admist their fears and the rest is history.

New beginnings comes in different ways; A career switch, demise of a loved one, a failed business, a job promotion, getting into marriage, having kids, a broken engagement, yours inclusive, leaving an endless list. But if you will have faith in God to persevere and ride through the storm, you'll soon realise it was just an upgrade waiting to happen.

Even if there's every reason to be, never be afraid of new beginnings and fresh starts because with God as your ever sure back up, you will not have to suffer loss.

Now lace your shoes, stand up straight, take a deep breath and start walking!




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Obinna "Kruseaphix" Onuoha Obinna "Kruseaphix" OnuohaObinna "Kruseaphix" OnuohaObinna "Kruseaphix" OnuohaObinna "Kruseaphix" Onuoha

Obinna “Kruseaphix” Onuoha is a Nigerian Writer and Lyricist who expresses his faith and beliefs via article writing, rap and spoken word poetry. His fondness for depth in both spirituality and lyrics defines his style as he sees his art as a medium to inform and educate his audience with the aim of imparting Christ into the culture, propagating national growth, human capacity development and correcting social wrongs. You can follow him on twitter @kruseaphix

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