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Adrenal Fatigue: Things You Should Know

By Daniel Fuller       May 16, 2015

Adrenal Fatigue: Things You Should Know

Adrenal Fatigue? Does it exist? To some extent, Yes! It is a medical term used to describe poor functioning of adrenal glands. Predominantly, it is seen in individuals who are drained out physically, mentally and emotionally. Being a type of medical condition, one should know what are the symptoms and treatment of adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal Glands are small glands situated just above the kidneys and secrete important hormones for certain bodily functions. It secretes a crucial hormone known as Cortisol, which helps the body cope with stress and anxiety. In short, you need this hormone to react and respond to stress effectively. According to medical theory, if you are under immense stress on frequent basis, your adrenal glands may fail to produce or pump sufficient hormones, causing fatigue and other physical/mental symptoms. However, it is not a proven health condition due to lack of clinical evidences.

Medical issues affecting adrenal glands –

Adrenal glands are anatomically placed above your kidneys and certain physiological conditions keep them from functioning well. There is one medical condition that affects the function of adrenal glands, which goes by the name of Addison’s diseases. This disease is sometimes determined as “primary adrenal insufficiency”. If a person is suffering from Addison’s disease, his/her adrenal glands fail to produce sufficient hormones.

Addison’s disease can be recognized with the help of certain investigations and clinical signs. In majority of the cases, the adrenal glands are damaged by the body’s own immune system. This disease is caused by debilitating disorders like Tuberculosis, Cancer (Lymphoma), AIDS, etc. Nevertheless, Addison’s disease is quite rare and it doesn’t essentially mean that people who have fatigue-like symptoms suffer from this disease, probably they are likely to have diabetes, thyroid abnormalities, or any other common ailment.

What are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue?

Prolonged generalized weakness is the classical symptom of Adrenal Fatigue. However, this symptom is associated with other chronic illnesses that are not related to adrenal glands, such as diabetes, thyroid abnormalities, anemia, cardiac disease and arthritis. Nevertheless, the signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue include –

 • Extreme fatigue or malaise

 • Trouble in rising from bed

 • Prolonged tiredness throughout the day

 • Problems in performing daily routines

 • Trouble in thinking and accomplishing tasks

 • Depression

 • Poor eating and sleeping habits

If any of these symptoms bother you chronically, you should see a healthcare professional for medical attention. Do not underestimate or ignore when you experience sudden, unusual, repeated bouts of fatigue.

Management of adrenal fatigue –

Basically, the underlying medical cause i.e. Addison’s disease is treated to improve the adrenal glands function. The healthcare professional will assess your medical condition first that is causing fatigue. If at all it is related to your adrenal gland or hormones, you may need to check with an endocrinologist who mainly treats diseases related to hormones. This particular physician may ask you to undergo certain tests to assess your hormone levels. After going through your reports, he/she will prescribe you prescription drugs with nutritional supplements.

People should be aware of the fact that few supplements available for boosting adrenal glands may prove harmful. Hence, one should be careful and avoid such things. A prior consultation with a medical practitioner is highly essential. One can follow healthy lifestyle to stay away from prolonged stress and adrenal fatigue, such as –

 • Eat plenty of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables

 • Avoid oily, junk, fatty foods

 • Perform regular physical exercise

 • Practice Yoga and meditation

 • Get adequate sleep

 • Avoid smoking, alcohol and illicit use of drugs


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Daniel Fuller Daniel FullerDaniel FullerDaniel FullerDaniel Fuller

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