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Home >>>Mind Development

Positioning Your Mind for #Greatness

By Abiola Benjamin Obayomi       Sep 19, 2015

Positioning Your Mind for #Greatness

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”. Proverbs 23:7

Greatness is no doubt a distinctive feature of an excellent mind. It starts from the right positioning of the mind on the things that matters. Over the years, I have had cause to read books that were authored by great men. It will amaze you that quite a number of them at one point or the other, have reasons to point to a healthy mindset as the hallmark of greatness. King Solomon, the author of about three books in bible had this to say at some point: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23, ASV). Whatever a person is going to be in life first and foremost requires the mind’s attention. Nehemiah and his people were able to complete the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem because they put their mind to it. Despite the threats and obstacles they encountered from the opposition, the wall came up high. He said this about the wall after it was completed: “So we built the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto half the height thereof: for the people had a MIND to work” (Nehemiah 4:6, ASV).

If we are ever going to be what God destined us to be in life, it definitely requires that we get our mind in line with what He (God) has said concerning us. Most of the times, it usually begins with a mind that does not question God. It was documented in Genesis that when God called Abraham out of his father’s country unto a land he was going to show him, Abraham did not question God about the location of the said land. He followed God’s leading and direction every step of the way. The end of Abraham as we read in the bible was unmatchable greatness.

There is virtually no one on earth that does not have greatness etched upon their DNAs. It is therefore important to recognize that greatness is everyone’s birthright and entitlements. The disturbing part of this is that many transit this world without knowing this reality. People today are living in great frustration because they have resorted to fate. They have accepted living ordinarily whereas they were originally destined to be exceptional and great in life. All forms of success are guided by the way we think through the word of God. Joshua 1:8 was explicit enough about how we can engage our minds for greatness and success in life. “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success” (KJV). Your life is shaped by what you think about and meditate upon. If you can manage your thoughts carefully, then you can manage your life even better.


How Can One Position the Mind for Greatness?


Greatness can be achieved at any time, by anyone, of any standing, and to actually become great also requires the interaction of the mind, the body and the spirit of man also. Blaise Pascal, the famous French Mathematician once asserted that “success and greatness does begin in the mind”. I believe the following tips would help you position yourself for that greatness you are yearning for- be it in career, business life or even in your ministry.

Have the mind of Christ.

This sounds somehow, isn’t it? I know the next thing you are thinking right now is what exactlyis the mind of Christ is. Let me show you. Jesus positioned his mind for greatness. Even though he was in the class of God, he never thought Himself equal with God. Philippians 2:5 and 6 has this to say “have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (ASV): Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained (AMP)”. As a result of this, God Himself exalted him as documented in verse nine of that same chapter. To be great in life, we must humble our self (our minds) before the Almighty God. The mind of Christ is an humble mind. To have the mind of Christ is to think as he thinks. We must find out Christ’s perception about greatness and also embrace it.

Examine your confession.

The reason a lot of people don’t attain their greatness in life is simply because they confess negativity into their own lives. There is power in the tongue and what you say back to yourself over and over again is what you begin to believe (Proverbs 18:21). David was able to overcome Goliath (the same Goliath the whole army of Israel plus the Commander-In-Chief- Saul, was afraid to fight) because he believed and confessed that he was capable of killing him (1Samuel 17:37). What you believe is what you promote. What you promote is what guides your actions and repeated actions eventually would shape your lifestyle (RabisonShuba). There are times difficulties and challenges of life would want you to confess them, but you can exercise yourself by not confessing them. Joshua and Caleb stood out amongst the twelve spies that Moses sent out to spy the promise land. While the other remaining ten confessed negatively, even though that was what they saw, Joshua and Caleb confessed the other way round. You can change your situations from bad to good simply by confessing positivity into them. You want to be great, start confessing positively.

Know your purpose in life and live in it.

A person may not achieve much in life when he is living outside of God’s purpose for his life. There is a general purpose of God for mankind, and there is specific purpose for every individual too. The general purpose of God is that all man should be saved and that no one should perish (John 3:16). The specific purpose on the other hand is the reason why God created you different from other persons. A man may find his specific purpose in life in the general purpose of God for mankind, there is nothing wrong in this. What I am simply saying here is that a man’s greatness in life is embedded in his purpose. You have to identify what you are passionate about; that which simply fulfills you. I want you to examine people that are in their areas of purpose, one thing you will always see in them is productivity and effectiveness. It is not an ideal thing to envy other people’s callings while neglecting your own. Find out your own purpose and become great in it.

Finally, if you will commit your mind on God’s word, renewing your mind to its truth and getting rid of every thought of negativity and discouragements, then you are on the right way to becoming great. All you need is to exercise your mind in the right direction, staying positive all the time. Thank you for reading.


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Abiola Benjamin Obayomi Abiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin Obayomi
  Real Estate is my Profession. The change we need in Nigeria begins with all of us doing things differently. Collectively, we can make Nigeria work.. Call Abiola at 08067296988 to see how he can help you & your business succeed!

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Article Comments
Gboyega Adedeji     9 years ago
.... a man’s greatness in life is embedded in his purpose...That was just on point like every other word in this inspired article. Great writing Mr Abiola Obayomi

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