Developing Yourself Spiritually:Your Sure Pathway To Spiritual Maturity
Developing Yourself Spiritually: Your Sure Pathway To Spiritual Maturity
by Obayomi Abiola Benjamin (Author)

     ₦ 850

Developing Yourself Spiritually is an Holy Spirit inspired book put together to help believers who are struggling with their spiritual growth and development overcome this challenge. Find out those things you need for your growth as you lay your hands on this book, it will surely bless you.


Just as little babies grow from the level of infants to eventually becoming adults, the same process is also applicable in God’s kingdom. So, this book has been put together to help you focus on developing yourself spiritually or growing up spiritually. I know there are a lot of materials you may have come across that talks about this same subject matter. That is to tell you that when books or articles are being written about the same subject, that simply tells you how important the subject is.

Whenever Jesus says “Verily Verily” in the Scriptures, He is simply telling you to pay attention to what He is about to say or have said. The same thing is applicable to this book. Perhaps there are some things that God would want to open your eyes to about spiritual growth that you haven’t learnt from other materials.

Spiritual growth is a continuum – you continue to grow in the Lord until finally He calls you home to be with Him. Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 3:18 that you “may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the width and length and depth and height” in God. You see, there are depth and height in God; there are length and breadth as well. You will simply determine which level you want to go with the Father as you grow up spiritually.

Don’t ever get to a point where you think you have known everything about God and then you climax. A lot of believers make such mistakes today. Just about the time you think you have known much of God, and then He will simply turn another side of His to you. That was why Apostle Paul was admonishing and prayed for the Ephesians folks, that they would understand the different sides of God.

Our continue cry should be knowing Him more and more till the end of time. This book therefore would serve as a companion, and a guide towards growing up spiritually. It would open your eyes to things hitherto you have not considered as important in your growth experience. Seat tight, and be blessed of the Lord as you digest every single word, sentences and paragraphs of this book by the help of the Holy Spirit.

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