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Irabor MarkIrabor Mark
A science technologist and head of unit, College of Medicine U.I Ibadan
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5 Tips for Losing 5 Kg a Week!

By Irabor Mark       Apr 24, 2017

5 Tips for Losing 5 Kg a Week!

Most diets aren't easy to maintain -- they're designed to get weight off not for your personal convenience. And once you go off the diet, the weight comes right back, along with a bit more. Thus, you end up worse off than before. Here are five simple yet sound tips that when followed could easily enable you to lose five kg, or more, a week and keep it off.

Does any of the following sound familiar?

You desperately want to lose weight, but you've tried so many different diets and failed over the years that you've grown discouraged.

Let's face it, most diets aren't easy to maintain -- they're designed to get weight off not for your personal convenience. And once you go off the diet, the weight comes right back, along with a bit more.  Thus, you end up worse off than before.

No matter what diet you try from the cabbage soup diet to the Master Cleanser to low-fat diets such as the Atkins Diet one of two things usually happens:

You lose some weight along with your sanity as life becomes an unbearable drudge of boring food and not enough of it.

You don't lose weight because you just cannot stick to that diet.

In either case, you feel bad discouraged maybe even like a failure. But, take heart, losing weight is possible. In fact, here are five simple yet sound tips that when followed could easily enable you to lose 5 kg or more, a week!

Tip #1 Cut the Carbs! Cutting down on your carbohydrate intake, particularly white carbs (that is, carbs from white bread, potatoes, etc.) and instead eating more high quality lean proteins (such as chicken and fish) is a great way to drop a few kg quickly. But don't cut carbs completely! You should still eat fibrous carbs, such as berries, spinach and apples.

Tip #2 Stop Eating Processed Foods! Instead eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Often, people who are used to eating a lot of junk food will discover they can actually eat a higher quantity of delicious fruits, vegetables and whole grains without gaining any weight.

Tip #3 Cut Down on Your Sugar Intake! In particular, watch how many sodas or juice drinks you consume. The sugar in these beverages can add up quickly and these drinks aren't filling. You should also watch out for "fat-free" products. Sugar is often used to replace the flavor that is lost when the fat is removed. You will also want to be careful about how much sugar you add to coffee and tea.

Tip #4 Drink More Water! Water naturally helps to suppress your appetite and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will help you lose weight and burn fat. On the other hand, if you don't drink enough water every day, your body may store water and fat that you don't need. To determine how much water you should drink: multiply your bodyweight by .66 to get the required number of ounces per day.

Tip #5 Exercise More Often! The healthiest way to lose weight is to exercise. Someone who increases the amount they exercise, but maintains the same diet and calorie intake, will almost certainly lose weight. Plus, excessive sweating from cardio activity, such as running, walking and using aerobic gym equipment, will help you de-bloat and lose inches and kg quickly.

But a word of caution, if you haven't exercised in a while be sure to check with your physician first and also be sure to start any exercise program slowly.



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Irabor Mark Irabor MarkIrabor MarkIrabor MarkIrabor Mark

By eating more frequently, there will be less time between your meals and less chance you’ll experience hunger. Eating more frequently also helps to raise your metabolism. Access over 101 Flat Belly Nigerian Recipes at



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