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Irabor MarkIrabor Mark
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The Perfect Meal Plan To Lose Belly Fat

By Irabor Mark       Feb 18, 2016

The Perfect Meal Plan To Lose Belly Fat

If you are truly dedicated to losing fat, you have to take every aspect into consideration, like exercise, water consumption and diet. A meal plan is a great way to stick to your diet especially if you are someone who is always busy. One of the main problems dieters have is that they tend to grab quick snacks on the go that are not healthy choices. You can avoid this problem by creating a meal plan.


Choose the foods you like

Here is a tip that has proved helpful for many people trying to lose fat: get a pen and paper and make a list of all the foods you like to eat, and then separate the healthy options from the unhealthy ones. If you have a long list of healthy foods on your list, then you are one step closer to the body you desire. If you have a wide variety of unhealthy options, don’t worry because you can either eat them in moderation or find a healthier way to prepare these foods.


Healthy food substitutes

If you love foods and treats such as pizza, Ice cream or milkshakes, it is impossible to remove them from your diet. The following are some healthier ways to enjoy your favorite foods:




· Ice-cream. If you are an ice cream lover, save this sweet treat for special occasions. If you crave something cold or sweet as a replacement, then you can opt for soy ice cream or you can substitute ice cream for some delicious fat free yogurt.




Pizza. Pizza is filled with different types of cheese and has lots of calories, but you can still incorporate it into your diet. For starters, plan on a pizza meal about every two weeks. Second, one slice is more than enough, especially if you combine it with a salad or if the serving is a large restaurant portion. You can also create your own healthy pizza recipe and pick delicious toppings that will not go straight to your hips.




Milkshake. You can make your own milkshakes at home instead of indulging in high-calorie fast food versions. Use skim milk instead of whole milk, fresh fruits, and little or no sugar. This will taste just as delicious and has less sugar, fat and calories.


Plan your meals

It is important for you to have a weekly meal plan so that you stay on track with your diet. Plan what you are going to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day as well as the snacks that you plan to consume between meals. Everything you eat adds up calories so if you have everything written on paper, it will be easier for you to calculate how much calorie you consume each day.




As you plan your meals, make sure that they are balanced with the required amounts of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and other daily options. Your diet should have a variety of different types of healthy foods to provide you with the required nutrients your body needs throughout the day. Your breakfast choice should be light but satisfying, such as a slice of toast, banana, and a glass of skim milk. For lunch, choose something that has protein like as a chicken salad, tuna or grilled chicken breast.


If you feel hungry between meals, have a fruit snack such as an apple or some almonds or peanuts. Dinner should be light because you are not as able to work off the added calories as you would throughout the day. Eat something with protein, but make the portions small like a baked chicken breast with potatoes and a glass of water.




If you feel hungry after eating your dinner, snack on something healthy such as a fruit or a drink a glass of skim milk. When you plan your meals, you are ready to eat when you are hungry because you have all of your snacks and main meals planned for your weight loss success.


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