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# Neuropathic Pain & Life-saving Benefits of Pain Relievers

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Neuropathic Pain & Life-saving Benefits of Pain Relievers

By Emma Smith       Jun 17, 2021

Neuropathic Pain & Life-saving Benefits of Pain Relievers

Believe it or not, living with Neuropathic pain is unbearable. The faster you find effective relief, the more you’re closer to good hygiene.

It’s not possible to wake up daily with the thought of pins and needles numbing your sensations. Also, your routine life is disturbed like anything. You start feeling uncomfortable wearing thick clothes just because the slightest pressure boosts the pain.

In this post, we’ll see the basics of neuropathic pain and check out the two well-known nerve pain reliever medications too. Let’s go!


What is Neuropathic Pain & why you should treat it ASAP?

Neuropathic pain is chronic pain that arises from damage or injury to the neurotransmitters of the brain and spinal cord. It elevates the skin and muscles & also impacts other parts of the body.

This pain is usually felt as burning sensations. As a result, the affected areas become touch-sensitive. Neuropathic pain is mainly experienced after surgery or trauma, alcohol abuse, diabetes, cancer, viral infections, vascular malformations, etc. Diabetic or cancer patients often experience chronic neuropathic pain.

Besides this, it may root as a side effect of other medications in use. To be honest, identifying the cause of neuropathic pain seems like a headache for the sufferer.

Living with neuropathic pain feels like undergoing physical and psychological complexities. Additionally, panic, anxiety, mood swings, tiredness, and depression become common. Internal pain can never be seen with naked eyes. And this is the reason it has severe negative impacts on the quality of life.

Do we even need to explain why you should find a solution to neuropathic pain ASAP?


Gabapin & its benefits as Neuropathic Pain Reliever

Gabapin (Gabapentin) tablets are the ultimate pain relievers when it comes to neuropathic pain. It belongs to an anti-epileptic class of drugs formerly used for treating epilepsy. However, they’re also recognized as highly effective medications for reducing nerve pain.

Using Gabapin 300 capsules can gradually relieve pain due to migraine, nerve damage, shingles, diabetes, spinal cord injury, etc. This medicine is often combined with other medications for treating a particular type of seizure.

Gabapin 300 interferes with the pain signals traveling through the damaged nerves and the brain. It blocks those pain-causing activities of the nerve cells to improve painful sensations. You may have to wait for a few weeks to see the effects, but once it starts getting effective, it will kick your neuropathic pain away. Finally, the quality of life improves.

How effective is Carisoprodol for Neuropathic Pain?

Carisoprodol is a muscle relaxant. It works in a somewhat similar fashion to Gabapin i.e. by blocking the pain signals between nerve cells and the brain. Unlike Gabapin, Carisoprodol is prescribed along with physical therapies for improving skeletal muscle pain and injuries.

You get to buy Carisoprodol 350 mg on prescription, but it should only be used for a maximum duration of 3 weeks. This is because skeletal muscle injuries don’t last longer than this.

Gabapin 300 vs. Carisoprodol 350 – What you should use?

Just like Gabapin, Carisoprodol is also effective in treating neuropathic pain. However, both drugs have different medicinal compositions. Also, the active ingredients, as well as dosage strengths, are different too. They’re manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies and so it often confuses patients as to which drug they should prefer.

Both are excellent medicines for neuropathic pain relief and are used for different durations to cure this pain. Let your doctor decide the best one for you.

Many health aspects are considered before prescribing either of these medicines. For instance, patients with kidney and liver disease, diabetes, poor heart health, etc should disclose their medical conditions to the doctor. Based on this information, they’ll decide whether to prescribe Carisoprodol, Gabapin or go with any other neuropathic treatment option.

Some important points like pregnancy and breastfeeding are also considered to arrive at a decision. In addition, if some patients stop using these pills, they may show critical withdrawal effects too. Hence, you’re required to visit your doctor frequently & track the progress.

Final Lines

You’ve seen the bright sides of both Gabapin 300 mg as well as Carisoprodol 350 mg tablet. However, the final decision should always come from your doctor whether you should use Gabapin or Carisoprodol. Both are effective differently. Moreover, your doctor may prescribe you alternative treatments like antidepressants, opioids, capsaicin cream, Lidocaine patch, nerve-blockers, etc. On the other hand, therapies like acupuncture, meditation, homeopathy, reflexology, and aromatherapy, etc are also useful.

So, don’t waste time thinking about the solution & find one fast by consulting your medical advisor today! Reference: Pain O Soma


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