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Moving Forward: Uncovering The Secrets of Speed & Success In Life

By Abiola Benjamin Obayomi       Dec 01, 2014

Moving Forward: Uncovering The Secrets of Speed & Success In Life

We live in a time when discouragements stare in one's face like a man who finds himself in the middle of nowhere; and whose compass to the road of discovery have been thrown into the ocean of forgetfulness. The reason why people - men and women alike easily get discouraged in life, or on the path to their discovery are not far-fetched. The society in which we find ourselves alone, is enough reason to want to throw in the towel.

The high rate of unemployment, the wide margin between the rich and the poor, high level of poverty, crime on the increase unabated, government lackadaisical attitudes towards the citizenry; all these and many more may one way on the other constitute discouragement.

But at this point, it is pertinent to know that being discouraged is not peculiar to any particular person or gender, the rich, the poor, the powerful, the lowly, the young, the old man or woman-even sometimes within the ambiance of power; the most powerful get discouraged too at one point or the other. David, a man after God's own heart, the King of Israel returned from war on a particular day and when he got home, he discovered that the enemies had came and have gone away with his properties and the people which he is king over.

As powerful as David was, the scriptures recorded that King David was discouraged; and that he had to encourage himself in the Lord. The point there is that you cannot encourage yourself if you are not first of all discouraged. But my point to you this morning is to show you a million reasons why you must move forward even amidst of your discouragement. TheScriptures says that '' a just man falleth seven times and he shall rise again''.

The point here is that falling along the way in life at some point or the other is not the problem(as life itself is full of ups and downs), but getting back up is the real deal. So, i am going to give you some few things to do when you are discouraged. These points have worked for people in the past and i am sure if you apply them too, it will work for you. 




Your ability to know why you are discourage will greatly guarantee your moving forward. So many people in life cannot even point to the main thing that gets them discouraged. Your inability to know this will keep you in perpetual darkness as you will not know where to even start from. A problems in whose cause is known is half-solved already. So, don't forget this point that knowing exactly why you are discouraged is one great way out of being discouraged.




You see, so many people in life make plans, set goals, and never bother to review or re-visit their plans. Some people's problems/discouragement come as result of making ''too rigid'' or better put; complex plans/goals which cannot be easily reviewed. Along the line, when those plans/goals get awry or unreachable, they become discouraged. You see, you shouldn't set goals which are too difficult for you to achieve. Even if you set one, give proper room for review along the line. Do not make your plans or goals too rigid to amend. Don't forget to inculcate in goal setting the peculiarity of different times and seasons, places, and even different people you will meet along the line. So, when things go awry, and it is flashing discouragement into your mind, do not forget to go back to the drawing board ie, revisit your plans/goals. Make necessary adjustments and move forward.




You see, no matter what we do in life, if it lacks the required determination and focus, we may not achieve much. Even the scriptures says that '' if your eye be single, then your body shall be full of light'' Matt 6:22. To be focused in life is one of the principal things in overcoming discouragements. The scriptures also says in Proverbs 4:25 '' let thine eyes look right on and let thine eyelids look straight before thee''. This talks about being focus; like an athlete in a 100m race looks straight ahead into the finish line, so should your focus be. When discouragements stares at you in the face, you should quickly retaliate back by showing it your doggedness, Be a Go-getter.

And in case you are still wondering whether your plans for the outgoing year 2014 can still materialize, maybe you should show it more doggedness and quickly review your plans; who knows, those things could still be achievable in the shortest possible time. Don't forget that the sun in the sky is always capable of making wet clothes dry. And as you enter the new year, make sure you have plans, set goals achievable goals for that matter. Don't be too rigid when you make one, review them, re-visit them regularly as to make adjustment for times and seasons.



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Abiola Benjamin Obayomi Abiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin Obayomi

I have passion for the transformation of my Nation and Generation. And I will always say, "The transformation we need in Nigeria begins with you and I". 

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Moving Forward: Uncovering The Secrets of Speed & Success In LifeMoving Forward: Uncovering The Secrets of Speed & Success In LifeMoving Forward: Uncovering The Secrets of Speed & Success In Life

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Article Comments
Gboyega Adedeji     9 years ago
Beautiful and inspiring....I love this quote too...Do not forget that the sun in the sky is always capable of making wet clothes dry.

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