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# Ideal Diet for Stronger Bones

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Ideal Diet for Stronger Bones

By Stephan Lucas       Sep 09, 2016

Ideal Diet for Stronger Bones

Many doctors suggests tuned up diet to make treatment course more effective and rapid to recover in the course.

And specially for bone health, it is also essential to maintain their health as it is needed structure to our bodies. There are many reasons and factors that can degrade skeletal health other then aging depreciation and also make it prone to cause skeletal-diseases like osteoporosis rickets, osteogenesis imperfecta or osteonecrosis. Thought in most cases, doctors would prescribe medics or mainly nutritional supplements to boost and regain its health. but there are many dietary solutions suggested below that you can add in your routine diet to improve bone health.

Yogurt: What better ways to kick start the list by adding the tastier starter! Apparently, yogurt is a fortified source of vitamin D that mainly helps in forming bone density. Just one cup of yogurt can be a creamy way to get your daily calcium and it is wise to fat-free plain yogurt that contains 30% of your calcium and 20% of your vitamin D for the day. Though some people are fan of protein-packed Greek yogurts and such varieties tend to contain less calcium and little, if any, vitamin D.

Milk: Nothing beats the most used source of calcium that most people in the world rely on and also have hard time getting it down your throat. As most of the nutritional charts suggests just eight ounces of fat-free milk will cost you 90 calories, but provide you with 30% of your daily dose of calcium. While shopping for one, it is best to choose a brand fortified with vitamin D to get double the benefits and in similar way other dairy products like cheese can also be included in the diet.

Sardines: such tiny fished can also be great source of vitamin D, what often found in cans, along with high level of calcium. Though they may look a bit odd, they have a savory taste that can be delicious in pastas and salads. Once can also relay on salmon as it also contains some level of vitamin D, but in comparison with sardine, it is less.

Eggs: No wonder it is referred as the most ideal source of nutrition, which widely availed to almost every corner of the world. Though the fact that eggs only contain 6% of your daily vitamin D, but they're a quick and easy way to get it, which makes it legit to eat. Just don’t opt for egg whites as they may cut calories, but the vitamin D is in the yolk, so make sure you eat that part too.

Spinach: Okay something got vegans! Despite being beneficial for digestive functions, it is also beneficial as it will be your new favourite way to get calcium as just one cup of cooked spinach contains almost 25% of your daily calcium, plus fibber, iron, and vitamin A. Plus it would be better for skin to be plush and radiant.

Collard Greens: Much like spinach, this leafy green is an enriched source of calcium and just cup of cooked collards contains more than 25% for your daily calcium. Besides you can easily sneak it into your favourite foods, like this ultimate-healthy frittata.

Orange Juice: not only the vitamin C most of the citrus fruits that makes them so much ideal to start up the day with a glass full of orange juice. A glass of fresh-squeezed organic OJ doesn't have calcium or vitamin D, but it's often fortified to contain these nutrients.

Despite the diet it is also essential to maintain exercise regime and in case if you are looking for a speedy recovery, it is wise to consult with doctors, for a more precise diet.

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