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How To Become A Creative Leader Pt. 2 The Secret To Gaining Proper Organizational Perspective

By Francis Apeh       Dec 12, 2018

How To Become A Creative Leader Pt. 2  The Secret To Gaining Proper Organizational Perspective

Please, kindly click on this link "How to Become A Creative Leader Pt. 1: The Secrets to Redefining Your World" to read the first part of this piece. Thank you.


Look Around:

You must look around for able and competent people who can deliver. Hire them if need be, pay for value. You must also be able to assemble a team of members who are goal oriented, meticulous, smart, full of the Holy Spirit and faith; willing to sacrifice everything to add value and achieve results. A leader will/can only create and solve problems to the degree of the knowledge he has about an organization. But he will do much more if he has a team spirit.  The Bible says "And the spirit of the Lord was hovering over the surface of the deep."

Leadership is not about sitting in an air-conditioned office and sipping coffee. Look around! If you must become effective then emulate God, go round and see how your followers are doing, check to see who is idle and who is absent from his duty post. Find out about their welfare. Workers tend to sit up, report on time and perform their task appropriately if they know the leader is always coming around to check on them. Going round gives you an adequate knowledge of what is going on, what is to be bought, maintained or repaired.

Some leaders don't even know the names of their followers or workers; he is not personally close to them and so, he only relates with them on the surface level. You must identify with their struggles and efforts you must discern the secret war they are fighting; it goes a long way to give them a sense of relevance. Dare to familiarize yourself with the people on a one-on-one basis. Just as the Spirit of the Lord did, you must be seen to be hovering in person, in policies you have formulated and in systems you have put in place.

Do not always sit-put, waiting at the office to receive feed back or you have actually gone to hover and familiarize with the situation and the problem on ground. Have you gone to empathize with your followers about the unfortunate events that happened in and around your scope of influence?  Hovering also means becoming sensitive, taking the posture of oneness both in body and spirit; with your followers and the problems at hand. How many times have you actually gone close to sit and discuss way forward with God first and then with your subordinates. You must look around.


Look Further:

This is the process of creating tomorrow while delivering today. Don't look at the immediate problems, you must look beyond the present situation in hope that the condition would get better. This process involves setting new strategies, giving the organization new set objectives, a new target, a new vision, new rules and regulations, new belief system and a new priority. He has to see a need to for-go the old ways that crumbled the business and embrace the new. This process involves rehabilitation, reconstruction and reconciliation, adopting a positive attitude, become optimistic, change the mindset of the followers, re-brand and package in a different way. This will serve as a catalyst to boost your business, ministry and organization to bounce back to life and effectiveness.

In order to replicate this pattern as a leader to revive and bring back life to that area you are having challenges, you must allow God to make and to form you again then put you in your garden with specific instructions that you must obey. You cannot create outside your garden. Your authority and influence is within the scope of your garden.

Christ said "Go into the world and preach to all nations." In other words, He is saying go into the world, create and re-create, your world, give meanings to life, fill void and empty spaces in the heart of men with the message of Christ, change and transform the nation's with the gifts and abilities I have given you. Operating within the commandments of Christ gives you the natural ability to think and create. If you think it is difficult to create, then remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The reason why we lack capacity to think and create and give life to things around us as leaders is because we have lost our root to the source of life and creativity which is in Jesus Christ. This is the honest truth nobody wants to know.

If that business, marriage, ministry and organization must be revived then you must trace your root back to Christ in genuine repentance. And if you are willing to rededicate your life back Him, then please make a simple prayer by saying "Lord I am sorry, I have deviated from your path I seek a redress and a reconnection back to you. I rededicate my life, business and ministry to you Forgive my Sins and write my name in the lambs book of life. I accept you as my personal lord and Savior." Congratulations if you have made this prayer and as you lunch out by applying the principle of look- up, look-within, look-around, and look-further, God will give you a new testimony in Jesus mighty name.



Source: [Centre for New Dimension Leadership]


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Francis ApehAbout Francis Apeh
Francis Apeh Francis ApehFrancis ApehFrancis ApehFrancis Apeh

My Name is Apeh Francis Abah. I am a writer, a disciple modelling after Christ and a Kingdom Expander. You can contact me via the following means: +2348032289322, email:, Facebook: Apeh Francis, Twitter: Francis_Apeh

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