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Abiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin Obayomi
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Embracing The True Light

By Abiola Benjamin Obayomi       May 13, 2014

Embracing The True Light

The Bible in Isaiah 60:2 describe a period in which darkness shall cover the whole earth. It went on further to talk about the same darkness covering the people.. Now, let's take a moment and reflect on this Bible passage. The simple meaning of darkness is "Lack of light" or " the state of being dark". Other meanings could be evilness, lack of understanding or compassion, reference to death or suffering and so on. All these were simple meanings of darkness from the dictionary.

Now, how does these meanings relate to the event that is happening in our World today? The whole earth as we have it today is experiencing chaos, evilness, lack of understanding, lack of compassion in some quarters and so on. This World is experiencing a form of total darkness, the type in which even the level of sophistication and advancement in technology cannot solve. For example, how do you explain the missing MH370 Malaysian flight that disappeared with over 239 people on board and which is yet to be found? Over 10 technological advanced nations of the World have been looking for this missing plane for the past one month, and still, no where to be found.. (Technology have failed us)
How do you justify the actions and in-actions of Vladmir Putin trying to annex part of Ukraine to become Russia? Experts have said that this was how 2nd World-war began in 1939. This is nothing but lack of understanding, which is a form of darkness. How do you justify the recent bombings in Nigeria and the kidnap of over 200 girls in Chibok, Borno State by members of Boko Haram? Even Nigeria as a Nation is having her own fair share of the global darkness. All these and many more are true indications that our World today is in total darkness.
 But God did not create us or send us to go and struggle with darkness. As a matter of fact, light does not drive away darkness. Light subdues darkness. But this one thing we can be sure of that no matter how thick the darkness may appear, it cannot topple the light. So, if the light of God truly is in you, you would not need to complain about the darkness; but He (God) energises you and raises you above every darkness that is operating around you. You may not like the way it sounds, but the truth is already written down in Isaiah 60:2 that darkness shall cover the whole earth. There is no prayer or fasting that can change this. The whole world is engulfed in crisis today. These crisis prayers cannot solve; even human efforts or organizations cannot solve them. The United Nations have failed to solve the civil war in Syria up till date. You have the Middle East and their problems - Israel and Palestinian.

The only solution to these problems and darkness all over the world is for the people, our leaders, the governments to embrace God - the true Light. Any Nation or people that rejects God will definitely embrace darkness. No person is allowed to sit on the fence. It is either you chose light or embrace darkness.  The truth is this - God didn't cause the troubles in the World, but he permit them to happen so that at the end, Men shall fear him. Luke 22:51 says that Jesus told his disciples to PERMIT the Chief Priest and the soldiers that came for his rest to have their freewill. Jesus could have allowed his disciples to fight them, or better still; command the host of heavens to fight on his behalf. But he didn't do that; rather, he permitted the soldiers to take him away. This is an indication that God can permit certain things to happen. John 8:12 also says that whosoever that follows him shall not walk in darkness.

What this means is that any people or Nation that has chosen to embrace Jesus, and the rulership of the Kingdom of God, shall not walk in darkness because He is the Light. Our leaders should desist from occultism and shedding of innocent bloods to embrace the rulership of the KINGDOM OF GOD. Only then, we can be protected and covered from the global darkness or crisis.

Finally, if every christians in the world would arise and shine their lights - christians all over the World, I strongly believe there will be peace in our world today.


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Abiola Benjamin Obayomi Abiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin ObayomiAbiola Benjamin Obayomi

I am a passionate Nigerian, who believes in change and social justice. You could contact me on my facebook page or twitter

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