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Irabor MarkIrabor Mark
A science technologist and head of unit, College of Medicine U.I Ibadan
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# 5 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat

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5 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat

By Irabor Mark       Jul 03, 2017

5 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat

#1 – Eat Small Meals, Several Times

When we keep our body hungry for long hours, the blood sugar levels come down, inducing us to eat more in our next meal. The key, hence, is to never let your body go into starvation mode. Instead of 2 or 4 sumptuous meals, opt for 5 to 6 light meals every 3 hours. Usually, when we eat the traditional way - that is, eating 3 times a day - we tend to binge in between, usually on snacks that contribute significantly to belly fat. By eating 5-6 small meals a day regularly, you stop yourself from overeating. Plus, you boost your metabolism; since the body requires energy to digest the food, eating frequently means your body is constantly working. Also, eat the heavier meals in the early half of the day, and let the meals get lighter towards the end of the day.


#2 - You Are What You Eat!

Two words - balanced diet. Foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates, sugar, and saturated fats are the best for losing belly fat. Eggs, fish, lean meats, complex carbs like vegetables, and a variety of natural fruits which are not sweetened or canned are the way to go. These foods will also help in increasing the Thyroid Hormone (T3), which helps in burning fat. Make sure to avoid simple, refined carbohydrates that contain white sugar or white flour. Include healthy fats such as fish fats, seeds and nuts, olive oil, etc. Essential fatty acids are necessary for process of burning body fat, especially belly fat.


A neglected aspect of diet is whole grains. According to a study that appeared in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a diet rich in whole grain, where the calorie intake was controlled, helped subjects of the study to lose belly fat. These participants consumed all whole grains along with three servings of low-fat dairy, five servings of fruits and vegetables, and two servings of lean meat/fish/poultry. The explanation of this phenomenon is that a reduction in refined carbohydrates, and an increase in whole grains causes a change in the glucose and insulin response, which consequently increase the mobility of the fat stores.


#3 - Drink Plenty Of Water

 If you want to lose belly fat, AVOID alcohol, especially beer, completely. You need to drink plenty of water, particularly during your workout, and throughout the day. Your body requires water in order to function at its optimum best. When you are dehydrated, the organs in the body work harder in order to retain the water reserve of the body. The liver, which helps in burning fat in order to produce energy, is one of the important organs that suffers the most. When the liver's function is hampered, then the process of burning fat will not be as effective as it needs to be. Avoid drinking canned fruit juices, chocolate drinks, and soft rinks, since their sugar content is very high.


#4 - Sweat It Out!

Always remember - there is no option or excuse for exercise, irrespective of whether you want to lose weight or simply stay fit. Did you hear your parents and grandparents go on and on about how exercising helps maintain good immunity? Let me explain how. The white blood cells of the body - that fight infection and diseases - are carried by the lymph. The lymphatic circulatory system, however, lacks a 'pump' similar to the heart that helps pump blood. Hence, circulation of the lymph totally depends on how much and what kind of physical activity you indulge in. Hence, everything is important - cardio, as well as weight training.


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